Monday 2nd December 2024
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21 members attended the AGM in the Club on Monday, 2nd December 2024 for the annual acceptance of the annual report and election of officers and committee members. (Thanks to David Trewin for photos).
Of key importance of course was the election of the new President - Arnold Homer - who is well known in financial and legal circles and as the Club's famous "rambling raconteur". We are lucky to have him.
Arnold is an existing committee member, and a good friend of Clive Bowen-Davies (the outgoing President).
The evening commenced in the Edwardian Lounge, with the outgoing President Clive Bowen-Davies calling the meeting to order (and ensuring the Hon.Sec had the mandatory information and forms as dictated by the by-laws.
After offering various apologies, an act of silence was held to remember those members who had passed away since last year's AGM - namely Past President Paul Davies and Chris Poole.
Then the outgoing President enlisted the agreement from those present to accept the annual report and financial statements (which had been distributed to members some time ago) and thanked the Hon. Treasurer for his valiant work in maintaining the Club's finances in good order.
Subsequently, Clive Bowen-Davies announced the identity of the new President with details of his esteemed history and duly handed over the Presidential badge to Arnold Homer.
The new President, Arnold Homer, gave a welcoming introduction, thanked the outgoing President for his guidance over the last year, followed by a humorous discourse on certain famous people. He then introduced the new Vice-President - Alf Edwards - who is well known to members and president of various organisations.
He announced the new Committee officers and members (some of whom had retired by rotation and sought re-election) whose names with proposers and seconders had been on the notice board for 3 weeks.The full list of Committee members may be found in the "About"section of this website.
Past President Peter Cartwright offered a vote of thanks to the outgoing President and members of the Committee and the new President declared the meeting closed.